Welcome to the Adult Instruction Class (AIC) page on our website!! This is intended to serve as the starting point for those who desire to join us for Adult Instruction on Sunday afternoons (April 16-July 9 2023… approx.) Here, you will find the necessary readings for the coming week so that you can be prepared to discuss and ask questions on the material to be covered.

We will be using the Bible and Luther’s Large and Small Catechisms (2010 & 2017 editions, respectively) as our primary texts. Discussion will be guided by The Lutheran Confessions Series: Luther’s Catechisms.

We will be covering the Six Chief Parts of Christian Doctrine (Teaching) based on the Holy Scriptures and summarized in the catechisms.

May God richly bless our study and grant us an increase in our faith as we take up in our hands what has been taught for centuries in the Evangelical (& confessional) Lutheran Church.

Click here to continue to the AIC Readings

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